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Curriculum Vitae

Harold C. Hohbach Curator, History of Science & Technology Collections
Curator, Film & Media Collections

Humanities Resource Group
Cecil H. Green Library, 557 Escondido Mall
Stanford University Libraries
Stanford CA 94305-6004
Tel: (650) 723-4602; fax: (650) 725-1068

Curriculum Vitae

Ph.D. in History, University of California, Berkeley, 1987
     Primary Field: History of Science & Technology
M.L.I.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1983
M.A. in History, Univ. of California, Berkeley, 1977
A.B., Univ. of California, Riverside, 1975, summa cum laude

Professional Experience:
Currently (Stanford University):
Harold C. Hohbach Curator, History of Science and Technology Collections (since 1983)
- also Curator and Head, Silicon Valley Archives
- also Film & Media Studies (since 2005) 
Co-Director, Stanford Humanities Laboratory (2004-2011)
Advisor, Concentration in Digital Humanities, Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities (ID Humanities Major) 
Lecturer/Affiliated Faculty: History and Philosophy of Science Program; Science and Technology Studies Program (both since 1985); German Studies Department (since 1990)

Past Positions:
1990-2007 Curator for Germanic Collections, Stanford Univ. Libraries
1996-2001 Head, Humanities and Area Studies Group, Stanford Univ. Libraries
1983-90 Head Librarian, Physics Library, Stanford University 
1989 Senior Fellow, Rockefeller Fellowship in the Humanities, Department of the History of Science, The University of Oklahoma
1987 Acting Assistant Professor, Division of Library and Information Science, San Jose State University
1981-84 Research Associate (NIH Grant LM-03424, "Medical and Scientific Books in Medieval Libraries, P.I.: Dr. Karen Reeds)
1982-83 Acting Instructor, History Department, University of California, Berkeley
1981-83 Bibliographic Assistant to the Director for Collection Development, Stanford University 
1980-81 Teaching Assistant, History Department, University of California, Berkeley
1980-81 Rare Books Specialist, Department of Special Collections, Stanford University 
1978-80 DAAD Research Fellow, Universität Bonn and Herzog-August-Bibliothek, West Germany
1976-78 Bibliographer II, Step IV (Research Assistant), Office for the History of Science and Technology, University of California, Berkeley
1976-77 Grader, History Department, University of California, Berkeley
1975 Research Assistant, History Department, University of California, Riverside

Honors, Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants:

2019.  Elected Fellow, Higher Education Video Game Alliance.
2013-2016. Institute of Museum and Library Studies. LG-06-13-0205-13. "From Descriptive Metadata to Citation: Building a Framework for Search and Communication in Game Studies," Grant awarded to UC Santa Cruz and Stanford University Libraries.
2013-2014. National Endowment for the Humanities. Digital Humanities Start-up Grants. 20120925-HD. "A Unified Approach to Preserving Cultural Software Objects and Their Development Histories." Grant awarded to UC Santa Cruz. (advisor) 
2012-2014. National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Software Research Lab. Grant awarded to Stanford University Libraries for imaging of Stephen Cabrinety Collection in the History of Microcomputing. 

2010-2012. Institute of Museum and Library Studies. Preserving Virtual Worlds 2. Grant awarded to Stanford University Libraries, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Maryland, and Rochester Institute of Technology. 
2010. Preserving Virtual Worlds nominated to the short-list for the 2010 Digital Preservation Award, an international award of the Institute of Conservation. 
2008-2009 National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program (Library of Congress), Preserving Creative America initiative, for "Preserving Virtual Worlds." Grant awarded to Stanford Humanities Laboratory, Univ. of Illinois, Univ. of Maryland, and Rochester Institute of Technology. Final report submitted August 2010. 
2007-2010 F074-023-0138 : “ Advanced Combat Simulation for More Effective Anti-Terrorist Operations.” AFOSR Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR Program). Grant Awarded to HPS Simulations and Stanford Humanities Laboratory as research partners. 
2006 (Spring Quarter), Fellow, "Gaming Cultures" Virtual Residence Group, University of California Humanities Research Institute.
2003-2006 AF03T022: “Adaptive Artificial Intelligence for Next-Generation Conflict Simulations.” AFOSR Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR Program). 
2000-2004 Stanford Humanities Laboratory grant for: How They Got Game: History & Culture of Interactive Simulations and Video Games
1989 Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship in the History of Science, University of Oklahoma
1987 David C. Weber Research Grant, Stanford University Libraries 
1980 Herzog-August-Bibliothek Summer Stipend, Wolfenbüttel
1978-80 Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD) Research Fellowship, Bonn
1975 DAAD Goethe Institut Summer Fellowship, Grafing
1975-76 UC Regents Fellowship, University of California, Berkeley 
1975 German National Honors Society (Epsilon Chi Chapter, Deutsche Ehrenverbindung Delta Phi Alpha)
1975 Phi Beta Kappa & Valedictorian, University of California, Riverside
1975 Humanities Man of the Year, University of California, Riverside
1975 Zeitlin & Ver Brugge Book Collecting Prize
1971-75 UC Regents' Scholarship
1971-72 UCLA Alumni Honors Scholarship 
1971 National Science Foundation Scholar

Courses taught (all Stanford unless otherwise indicated):

"History of Digital Games (University of California, Santa Cruz, Art Department)
"Media and Message" (Thinking Matters program, revised for Film & Media Studies program) 
"Characteristics and Curation of New Digital Media" (San José State University, School of Library and Information Studies)
"Game Studies: Issues in Design, Technology and Player Creativity" (STS) 
"Gaming and Libraries" (San José State University, School of Library and Information Studies) 
"The Consumer as Creator in Contemporary Media" (Film and Media Studies) 
"Humans and Machines " (Introduction to the Humanities) 
"History of Computer Game Design: Technology, Culture, and Business" (STS) 
"Exhibiting GDR Culture: Politics and Practice in the Display of Literary and Historical Archives"
"Science & High Technology in Silicon Valley"
"Methods and Materials for German Studies"
"From Gutenberg to Volkswagen: Technology & Culture in Germany"
"The Art, Business, and Technology of Science Publishing, 1500-Present"
"The Scientific Revolution" 
"Science in the Enlightenment" 
"Kepler and Einstein" 
"Literature of the Sciences" (San José State University)
"The Scientific and Industrial Revolutions" (UC Berkeley)
"Physics in the 20th Century" (Grader, UC Berkeley)


Co-editor, ROMChip (2019-)

Co-editor, "Game Histories" book series, MIT Press, 2015-

"Screenshots circa 1982: Ira Nowinski’s Photographs of Bay Area Arcades."Prepared for Marco de Mutiis and Matteo Bittanti, editors, In-Game Photography between the Avant-Garde and the Vernacular (working title), slated for publication by Mimesis Edizioni in 2024.

"FIFA" and "John Madden Football."  In: Supercade: A Visual History of the Videogame Age 1985-2001, ed. Van Burnham.  (expected Fall 2023)

Lou Henry Hoover, 1874-1944. "Letter to Evelyn Wright Allen," "Lou Henry '98 Hard at Work in the Chemistry Lab," Alexandra Forsythe, 1918-1980, "Mathematics and Computing in High School: A Betrothal" and "Dear Class, I'm sorry to have missed class this week ..." Catalog contributions, in: Paula Findlen, ed., Embodied Knowledge: Women and Science before Silicon Valley (Stanford, Calif: The Stanford Libraries, 2024): 351-353, 367-368.

"A pox on the public discourse," contribution to: Playbook, flashpoint, permanent pox, ed. Caitlyn Dewey for Links I Would Gchat You If We Were Friends (28 August 2024),…

Replayed: Essays on the Historical Study of Games and Software Preservation, ed. Raiford Guins. (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2023).  Collection of a selection of my published essays and previously unpublished "'Beyond the Game': The Olympic Ideal and Competitive e-Sports."

(With Raiford Guins and Carlin Wing, co-editors), Feeling the Game: Thinking Critically about  EA Sport's FIFA Series (London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2022).  Will include my own "“Where There is Smoke, There is Fire …”: The FIFA Engine and Its Discontents."

"PONG." In: Fifty Key Video Games, ed. Bernard Perron, Kelly Boudreau, Mark J.P. Wolf, and Dominic Arsenault. Routledge Key Guides. (New York: Routledge, 2022): 202-208.

"Invention, Computerization, Simulation. Three Episodes in the History of Wargames," Memoria e Ricerca: Rivista di storia contemporanea (2021), no. 1, pp. 53-74, doi: 10.14647/99991.

"T.L. Taylor: A Conversation on Game Studies, History, and Interventions," ROMChip 1:2 (Dec. 2019)

"Interview: Henry Lowood" (interviewed by Alison Gazzard and Carl Therrien," Kinephanos: Journal of Media Studies and Popular Culture - Special Issue: Preserving Play (August 2018): 10-20.

(With Eric Kaltman and Joseph Osborn) "Screen Capture and Replay: Documenting Gameplay as Performance." In: Histories of Performance Documentation: Museum, Artistic and Scholarly Practices, eds. Gabriella Giannacchi and Jonah Westerman (New York and London: Routledge, 2017): 149-64.

"Machinima," The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning, ed. Kylie Peppler (Thousand Oaks, Calif.: SAGE, 2017): 451-452

"Software Archives and Software Libraries." In: Challenging Collections: Approaches to the Heritage of Recent Science and Technology, ​eds. Alison Boyle and Johannes-Geert Hagmann. Artefacts: Studies in the History of Science and Technology; X. (Washington, D.C. Smithsonian Inst. Scholarly Press, 2017): 68-86.

(With Leigh Alexander) "Game Changers." Garage Magazine no. 11 (Fall/Winter 2016): 164-79.

"Machinima = Obsession + Experimentation + (Re-) Animation" = "Machinima = Ossessione + Sperimentzaione + (Ri-) Animazione." Game Video/Art: A Survey, eds. Matteo Bittanti and Vincenzo Trione  (Milan: Silvana, 2016): 32-37

"It Is What It Is, Not What It Was," Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media, Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media 27 (2016), It Is What It is, Not What It Was – Henry Lowood | Refractory: a Journal of Entertainment Media (

Co-editor and Introduction (with Raiford Guins), Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2016)

"Game Engine." In: ​Debugging Game History: A Critical Lexicon, eds. Henry Lowood and Raiford Guins. (Cambridge Mass.: MIT Press, 2016): 103-108.

"War Engines: Wargames as Systems from the Tabletop to the Computer." In: Zones of Control, eds. Matthew Kirschenbaum and Patrick Harrigan (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2016): 83-105.

(with Eric Kaltman, Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Mitch Mastroni, Glynn Edwards, Marcia Barrett, Greta de Groat, and Christine Caldwell) "Implementing Controlled Vocabularies for Computer Game Platforms and Media Formats in SKOS," Journal of Library Metadata 16: 1 (2016): 1-22. 

"Putting A Stamp On Games - Wargames, Players, & PBM," Journey Planet no. 26: Letters from Absentia (Dec. 2015): 14-22. Currently available here.

"Henry Lowood: Archiving and Games." (Interview.) In: Thinking about Videogames: Interviews with the Experts, ed. David S. Heineman.  (Indianapolis: Univ. Indiana Press, 2015): 69-90.

(with Greta de Groat, Eric Kaltman, Marcia Barrett, Christine Caldwell, Glynn Edwards, and Noah Wardrip-Fruin), Core Metadata Schema for Cataloging Video Games. Version 1.Game Metadata and Citation Project (GAMECIP) Tech Report 1 [Dec. 2015].

"Ted Nelson: A Critical (and Critically Incomplete) Bibliography." In: Intertwingled: The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson, eds. Daniele Carlo Struppa and Doug Dechow. History of Computing. (Heidelberg and New York: Springer International Publishing, 2015): 123-30.

(with Eric Kaltman, Noah Wardrip-Fruin and Christine Caldwell), A Unified Approach to Preserving Cultural Software Objects and their Development Histories: A Case Study in Academic Computer Games(Santa Cruz, California: University of California, Santa Cruz, Center for Games and Playable Media, 2014)

"Animation Technology and Computer Graphics in the United States." In: Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Science, Medicine, and Technology in America, ed. Hugh Slotten (Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press, 2014): vol. 1, 63-65.

"Game History." In: The Johns Hopkins Guide to the Digital Media, eds. Marie-Laure Ryan, Lori Emerson and Benjamin J. Robertson. (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, 2014): 206-212.

"How I Ever Got to Teach a Course on McLuhan is Totally Amazing," Journal of Visual Culture 13:1 (2014): 73-75. Special issue, "Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man @ 50."

Co-editor (with Carl Therrien and Martin Picard), Kinephanos. History of Games International Conference Proceedings special issue (Jan. 2014).

"Game Engines and Game History," Kinephanos. History of Games International Conference Proceedings special issue (Jan. 2014),

"High-Performance Play: The Making of Machinima." Revised version.  Videogames and Art: Intersections and Interactions, eds. Andy Clarke and Grethe Mitchell. 2d ed. (London: Intellect Books; Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2013; orig. ed. 2007): 75-98.

"The Lures of Software Preservation," Preserving.exe: Toward a National Strategy for Software Preservation (Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, Oct. 2013),

Machinima! Teorie. Pratiche. Dialoghi, eds. Matteo Bittanti and Henry Lowood. (Milan: Edizioni Unicopli, 2013) Partly translation into Italian of "The Machinima Issue" of Journal of Visual Culture, partly new essays.

"Introduzione," "Cattura perfetta. Tre approcci al machinima e alla storia dei mondi virtuali" and "Machinima & Performance Art: Otto tesi di Robert F. Nideffer" (with Matteo Bittanti). In: Machinima! Teorie. Pratiche. Dialoghi, eds. Matteo Bittanti and Henry Lowood. (Milan: Edizioni Unicopli, 2013): 9-12, 33-50, 215-226.

"Preface." In: Understanding Machinima: Essays on Film-making in Virtual Words, ed. Jenna Ng. (Bloomsbury, 2013): viii-x.

"Joga Bonito: Beautiful Play, Sports and Digital Games." In: Sports Videogames, ed. Mia Consalvo, Konstantin Mitgutsch and Abe Stein. (London and New York: Routledge, 2013): 67-86.

"Galaxy Game." Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology and Art of Gaming, ed. Mark Wolf (Santa Barbara, Calif.: Greenwood, 2012): Vol. 1, 221-222.

"Documenting Mixed Reality Performance: The Case of CloudPad" (With Gabriella Giannachi, Glen Worthey, Dominic Price, Duncan Rowland & Steve Benford), Digital Creativity (2012): DOI:10.1080/14626268.2012.656274. To link to this article:

"Forbidden Areas: The Hidden Archive of a Virtual World.” In: Rough Cuts: Media and Design in Preocess, ed. Kari Kraus. (Aug. 2012). MediaCommons special issue,

A Tecnologia Encontrada: Jogadores como inovadores na producao de machinima." In: Machinima. Colecao CINUSP, eds. Patricia Moran and Janaina Patrocinio. (Sao Paulo: Pro-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensao Universitaria da USP, 2011): 10-51. Trans. of "Found Technology."

“Memento Mundi: Are Virtual Worlds History?”  In: Digital Media: Technological and Social Challenges of the Interactive World, eds. Megan Winget and William Aspray. (Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2011): 3-25.

Co-Editor and "Introduction" (with Michael Nitsche), The Machinima Reader (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011)

"Video Capture: Machinima, Documentation, and the History of Virtual Worlds," The Machinima Reader, eds. Henry Lowood and Michael Nitsche (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2011): 3-22.

Co-editor (with Susan Rojo and Matteo Bittanti), "The Machinima Issue" of Journal of Visual Culture 10: 1 (April 2011).

"A 'Different Technical Approach'? Introduction to the Special Issue on Machinima," Journal of Visual Culture 10: 1 (April 2011): 3-5.

"Perfect Capture: Three Takes on Replay, Machinima and the History of Virtual Worlds," Journal of Visual Culture 10: 1 (April 2011): 113-24.

"Wirklichkeitssituation = State of Reality," (with Tim Lenoir), in: Serious Games: Krieg, Medien, Kunst, eds. Ralf Beil and Antje Ehmann (Ostfildern: Hathe Cantz Verlag, 2011): 185-86. Excerpt from "Kriegstheater" (see below).

"Preserving Virtual Worlds: Final Report" (with Jerome McDonough, Robert Olendorf, et al.), deposited in the Illinois Digital Environment for Access to Learning and Scholarship, 31 August 2010.

"The Future of Virtual Worlds," (with William Sims Bainbridge, Wayne Lutters and Diana Rhoten," in: Online Worlds: The Convergence of the Real and the Virtual, ed. William Sims Bainbridge (London: Springer, 2010): 289-302.

Guest editor, July-Sept. 2009 issue of IEEE Annals of the History of Computing.

"Video Games in Computer Space: The Complex History of Pong," IEEE Annals in the History of Computing 31 (July-Sept. 2009): 5-19. [An earlier online version was available via "pong.mythos: Ein Spiel und seine Geschichte," accompanying exhibit of the Computerspiele Museum (Berlin), 11 Feb.-19 March 2006. This version has been superseded. Please do not cite it.]

"Memento Mundi: Are Virtual Worlds History?," iPres 2009: The Sixth International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (5 Oct. 2009).

"Putting Politics Into Play: Three Recent Books on Virtual Worlds," American Journal of Play 2:1 (Summer 2009)

"Players are Artists," in: The Art of GamesNuove Frontiere tra Gioco e Bellezza, ed. Debora Ferrari and Luca Traini. (Aosta: Regione Auonoma Valle d'Aosta, 2009): 190-93. Also in Italian trans. as "I giocatore come artisti," pp. 194-97.

Editor, Before It's Too Late: A Digital Game Preservation White Paper (N.p.: International Game Developers Association, 2009; distributed by Lulu Press) Also published in American Journal of Play 2:2 (Fall 2009).

"Warcraft Adventures: Texts, Replay and Machinima in a Game-Based Story World," in: Third Person: Authoring and Exploring Vast Narratives, ed. Pat Harrigan and Noah Wardrip-Fruin (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2009): 407-27.

"Digital Curation of Humanistics, Multimedia Materials: Lessons Learned and Future Directions" (Panel abstract, with Megan Winget, Caroline Frick, Jerome McDonough, and Allen Renear), Proceedings of DigCCurr 2009: Digital Curation - Practices, Promise & Prospects, ed. Helen R. Tibbo, et al. (Chapel Hill: School of Library and information Science, Univ. of North Carolina, 2009; distributed by Lulu Press): 42-43.

"Game Counter," in: The Object Reader, eds. Fiona Candlin and Raiford Guins (Abingdon, Eng., and New York: Routledge, 2009): 466-69.

"Game Capture: The Machinima Archive and the History of Digital Games," Mediascape: Journal of Cinema and Media Studies (Spring 2008).

"La cultura del replay. Performance, spettatorialità, gameplay," in: Schermi interattivi. Il cinema nei videogiochi, ed. Matteo Bittanti. (Rome: Meltimi, 2008): 69-94.

"Replay Culture: Performance and Spectatorship in Gameplay," in: L'homo videoludens: Videojocs, textualitat i narrativa interactiva, ed. Carlos A. Scolari (Vic: Eumo Editorial, 2008): 167-87.

"Impotence and Agency: Computer Games as a Post-9/11 Battlefield," in: Games Without Frontiers - War Without Tears. Computer Games as a Sociocultural Phenomenon, ed. Andreas Jahn-Sudmann & Ralf Stockmann. (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2008): 78-86.

"Found Technology: Players as Innovators in the Making of Machinima," in: Digital Youth, Innovation, and the Unexpected, ed. Tara McPherson. (Cambridge, Mass.: M.I.T. Press, 2007): 165-196.Macarthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning. Also available: (pdf); (pdf plus).

“It’s Not Easy Being Green”: Real-Time Game Performance in Warcraft," in: Videogame/Player/Text, eds. Barry Atkins and Tanya Krzywinska (Manchester, Eng.: Manchester Univ. Press; New York: Palgrave, 2007): 83-100. 
"High-Performance Play: The Making of Machinima," in: Videogames and Art: Intersections and Interactions , eds. Andy Clarke and Grethe Mitchell (London: Intellect Books; Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 2007): 59-79. Earlier draft online: here.

"Jon Haddock, Screenshots: Isometric Memories," in: GameScenes: Art in the Age of Videogames, eds. Matteo Bittanti and Domenico Quaranta (Milan: Johan & Levi editore, 2006): 15-39. Also in Italian trans. as "Jon Haddock, Screenshots: Ricordi isometrici," pp. 326-45.

Editor (with Tanya Krzywinska), World of Warcraft, Special issue of Games & Culture 1 (Oct. 2006): 279-413.

"Storyline, Dance/Music, or PvP? Game Movies and Community Players in World of Warcraft,Games & Culture 1 (Oct. 2006): 362-82.

"High-Performance Play: The Making of Machinima," Journal of Media Practice 7:1 (July 2006): 25-42.

"A Brief Biography of Computer Games," in: Playing Computer Games: Motives, Responses, and Consequences, eds. Peter Vorderer and Jennings Bryant. (Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2006): 25-41.

"Virtual Reality." Encyclopædia Britannica (2006). Available via: Encyclopædia Britannica Premium Service (7 June 2006),; Encyclopedia Britannica Academic Edition (7 June 2006),

"Game Studies Now, History of Science Then," Games and Culture 1 (Jan. 2006): 78-82.

"Theaters of War: The Military-Entertainment Complex,"(with Tim Lenoir) in: Collection - Laboratory - Theater: Scenes of Knowledge in the 17th Century, eds. Helmar Schramm, Ludger Schwarte, and Jan Lazardzig. (Berlin & New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2005): 427- 56. English-language version of "Kriegstheater" (see below). 

"Real-Time Performance: Machinima and Game Studies," The International Digital Media and Arts Association Journal 1, no. 3 (Spring 2005): 10-17.

"Gosu Game Studies" (Hard Core Column). DIGRA-Online. (Digital Games Research Association) 11 Jan 2005. URL:

"Computer and Video Games," "Computers-Personal," and "Technology and Leisure," Encyclopedia of 20th-Century Technology, ed. Colin Hempstead. (Milton Park, Eng., and New York: Routledge, 2004): I, 180-181; I, 206-208; II, 789-791.

"Electronic Game." Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia Britannica Online. 16 July 2004. <; With side-bars on "Zork," "Pac-Man," "The Legend of Zelda," and "DOOM." To appear in 2004 print edition.

"The Obstacle Course: Documenting the History of Military Simulation," in: America's Army PC Game: Vision and Realization, ed. Margaret Davis (Monterey, Calif: U.S. Army and MOVES Institute, 2004): p. 18.

Guest editor and "Introduction," special issue on R. Buckminster Fuller, Imprint (Fall & Winter 2003-2004)

"Kriegstheater: Der Militär-Unterhaltungs-Komplex," (with Tim Lenoir), in Kunstkammer, Laboratorium, Bühne--Schauplätze des Wissens im 17. Jahrhundert, eds. Jan Lazardzig, Helmar Schramm, and Ludger Schwarte. (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter Publishers, 2003): 432-64. An earlier, more expansive version of this essay is available as: Theaters of War: The Military-Entertainment Complex."

"Forestry," The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science, J. L. Heilbron, ed. (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003): 308-309.

"Journal," The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science, J. L. Heilbron, ed. (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003): 429-31.

"National Parks and Nature Reserves," The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science, J. L. Heilbron, ed. (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003): 559.

"Patriotic and Economic Societies," The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science, J. L. Heilbron, ed. (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003): 620-22.

"Printing House," The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science, J. L. Heilbron, ed. (Oxford and New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2003): 675-76.

"Silvicoltura e agricoltura," in: Storia della scienza VI (Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana, 2002): 268-75.

"Scientific Forestry Management in Germany," in: Science in Europe, 1500 to 1800: A Secondary Source Readered. Malcolm Oster. (Houndmills, Eng.: Palgrave Macmillan, in association with the Open University, 2002): 254-61. Excerpted from "The Calculating Forester," cited below.

"Introduction," Ronald Salter, Johannes Lebek: The Artist as a Witness of His Time. (Stanford: Stanford University Libraries, 2002): 1-2.
"Archives and Online Sources," in: Atsushi Akera and Frederik Nebeker, eds., From 0 to 1: An Authoritative History of Modern Computing (Oxford Univ. Press, 2002): 207-14.

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1999). (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. [Separate 156 p. supp. issue of Technology & Culture 43 (2002)]

"The Hard Work of Software History," RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage 2, no. 2 (Fall 2001): 141-61.

"Preface," (with Roberto G. Trujillo) in: The Great Art of Knowing: The Baroque Encyclopedia of Athanasius Kircher. Ed. Daniel Stolzenberg. (Stanford: Stanford University Libraries, 2001): ix-xi.

"Frederick Emmons Terman (1900-1982)," in: The History of Science in the United States: An Encyclopedia, ed. Marc Rothenberg (New York and London: Garland, 2001): 553-55.

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1998). (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. [Separate 202 p. supp. issue of Technology & Culture 41 (2000)]

"Noyce, Robert Norton," in: Encyclopedia of Computer Science, eds. Anthony Ralston, Edwin D. Reilly, and David Hemmendinger. 4th ed. (New York: Grove's Dictionaries, 2000): 1250-52. To be republished in Concise Edition of the Encyclopedia of Computer Science, 4th ed. (2003?). 

"Magisterium Naturae et Artis," (with William McPheron), Imprint 19 (Spring/Summer 2000): 17-19.

"The Scientific Book as a Cultural and Bibliographical Object," (with Robin Rider), in: Thornton and Tully's Scientific Books, Libraries, and Collectors: A Study of Bibliography and the Book Trade in Relation to the History of Science. 4th ed. Ed. Andrew Hunter. (Aldershot, Eng., and Brookfield, Vt.: Ashgate, 2000): 1-25.

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1996-1997). (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1999. [Separate 251 p. issue of Technology & Culture 40 (1999)] 

"The Stanford and the Silicon Valley Archives Project," in: Reconstructing the Heart of the University. Imprint. Stanford: Associates of the Stanford Univ. Libraries, 1999, 107-16.

"Introduction," The Barchas Collection at Stanford University: A Catalogue of the Samuel I. and Cecile M. Barchas Collection in the History of Science and Ideas. (Stanford: Stanford University Libraries, 1999): xix-xxvii.

"William Frederick Durand (5 March 1859 - 9 August 1958)," in: American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999): vol. 7, 140-41.

"Rudolf Kompfner (16 May 1909 - 3 December 1977) ," in: American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999): vol. 12, 878-79.

"Robert Norton Noyce (12 Dec. 1927-3 June 1990," in: American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999): vol. 16, 541-43.

"David Locke Webster (6 Nov. 1888-17 Dec. 1976)," in: : American National Biography, ed. John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes (New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1999): vol. 22, 868-69.

"Bruce Deal: An Oral History Interview (1988-1996)." Ed. Ross Bassett. <
start1.html>. 1998.

"Charles Babbage Foundation Software Task Force. Final Report." (Nov. 1998). (Chair: George Glaser. Committee: George Glaser, William T. Coleman, III, Paul N. Edwards, Henry Lowood, Keith Uncapher).

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1995). (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1998. [Separate 265 p. issue of Technology & Culture 38 (1997)] 

"Douglas Engelbart: An Oral History Interview (1986-1987)." Ed. Thierry Bardini. < start1.html>. 1997.

"William Henry Gates (1955- )," in: Collier's Encyclopedia (New York: Collier, 1997?)

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1994). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1997. [Separate 284 p. issue of Technology & Culture 37 (1996)]

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1993). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1996. [Separate 230 p. issue of Technology & Culture 36 (1995)]

"The New World and the European Catalog of Nature," in: America in European Consciousness, 1493-1750, ed. Karen O. Kupperman. (Raleigh: University of North Carolina Press, 1995): 295-323.

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1992). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1994. [Separate 232 p. issue of Technology & Culture 35 (1994)]

"Workshop on Bibliographic Control of Sources for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine: New Directions and Opportunities, Trento, Italy, 23-25 September 1992," Nuncius (1994): 234-38.

"Literary Technology and Typographic Culture: The Instrument of Print in Early Modern Science," (with Robin Rider) Perspectives in Science 2 (1994): 1-37.

"History of Science, Technology and Medicine," in: The Best in Science, Technology, and Medicine, ed. Carl Mitcham and William F. Williams. The Reader's Advisor, 14th ed.; 5. (New Providence, N.J.: Bowker, 1994): 23-58.
"From Gutenberg to Volkswagen: Technology & Culture" (published syllabus), in: A Sourcebook of German Studies Courses, ed. Scott Benham. (Davidson:Davidson College, 1994): 88-92.

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1991). Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1993. [Separate issue of Technology & Culture 34 (1993)]

Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1990). (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1992). [Separate 211 p. issue of Technology & Culture 33 (1992)]

Patriotism, Profit, and the Promotion of Science in the German Enlightenment: The Economic and Scientific Societies, 1760-1815. New York & London: Garland, 1991.

"Wissenschaft im Selbstverlag," in: Der Druck des Wissens: Geschichte und Medium der wissenschaftlichen Publikation, ed. Michael Cahn (Berlin: Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz, 1991): 24-25.

"Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1989)," Technology & Culture 32 (1991): 659-835.

"The Calculating Forester: Quantification, Cameral Science, and the Emergence of Scientific Forestry Management in Germany," in: Tore Frängsmyr, J. L. Heilbron, and Robin E. Rider, eds., The Quantifying Spirit in the Eighteenth Century (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990), 315-42.

"International Perspectives on the Role of Government in the Development of High-Technology Industry (Commentary)," Charles Babbage Institute Newsletter 12 (Winter 1990), 3, 7-9.

"Sources on the History of Computing: Stanford University and the Silicon Valley," in: James W. Cortada, ed., Archives of Data-Processing History: A Guide to Major U.S. Collections (New York: Greenwood, 1990), 141-59.

"Current Bibliography in the History of Technology (1988)," Technology & Culture 31 (1990), 561-723.

From Steeples of Excellence to Silicon Valley: the Story of Varian Associates and Stanford Industrial Park. (Palo Alto, Calif.: Varian Associates, 1988) (An earlier version appeared in Stanford University Campus Report, 9 March 1988.)

"Patriotism, Profit, and the Promotion of Science in the German Enlightenment: The Economic and Scientific Societies, 1760-1815," Ph.D. Diss., UC Berkeley, 1987.

Frederick E. Brasch and the History of Science (Stanford: Stanford University Libraries, 1987) 

"Selected Bibliography," Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 17 (1986), 371-77; 18 (1987), 183-190, etc. (In every issue through 1990.)

The Barchas Collection: the Making of Modern Science (Stanford, 1985).

Guide to Sources in Northern California for History of Science and Technology (Berkeley, Calif.: Office for History of Science and Technology, University of California, 1985). [with Robin E. Rider]

"Galileo and Kepler: the Bond of Books," Imprint 11:2 (1985), 15-20. 

[Essay review of Karl Hufbauer's The Formation of the German Chemical Community (1720-1795)], Eighteenth-century Studies, 18 (1984), 108-12. 

"Patriotism and Progress: The Role of the German Patriotic and Economic Societies in the Promotion of Science and Technology," Transactions of the Sixth International Congress on the Enlightenment ... Brussels July 1983 (Oxford, 1983), 394-96.

Ernest Rutherford. A Bibliography of His Non-technical Writings (Berkeley, 1979)
William Henry Bragg and William Lawrence Bragg. A Bibliography of Their Non-technical Writings (Berkeley, 1978)

Max Planck. A Bibliography of His Non-technical Writings (Berkeley, 1977)
"Albert Einstein: the Remaking of a Theoretical Physicist," Synthesis (Cambridge, Mass.), 3 (1974).

Book reviews for IsisAnnals of the History of Science, Annals of the History of Computing, Choice, Technology and Culture, The Journal of Military History, American Historical Review, Air Power History, College & Research Libraries, German Studies Review, Eighteeenth-Century Studies, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences ...

Game reviews for GrenadierThe Wargamer, Paper Wars, Berg's Review of Games, Zone of Control, and other game publications. Includes review of "Hitler's Last Gamble," Wargamer 2.17 (1989), nominated for Charles S. Robert award as Best Game Review or Analysis Article for 1989; and review of "Ukraine '43," Paper Wars no. 40 (2001), nominated for Charles S. Robert Award for Best Game Review or Game Analysis for 2001.

Book review editor, Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences, 1986-1990.

Editor and Bibliographer, Current Bibliography in the History of Technology, since 1987.  (Now part of the Research Library Group’s History of Science, Technology, and Medicine database.) 

Founding editor, H-War discussion list.

Selection of presented and invited papers, panels, podcasts, etc.

Guest on a "Wargame Archaeology" podcast episode hosted by Liz Davidson and Fred Serval on the history of playing games by mail, 25 Sept. 2024.

Conversation on "How to / Not to / Why to: Digital Archiving," with Bee Nix (interlocutor),  FU:BAR 2K24 Glitch Art Festival, 24 August 2024, online.

Panelist, What’s New in Game History, Game Developers’ Conference, San Francisco, 21 March 2024

Guest on a "Beyond Solitaire" podcast episode hosted by Liz Davidson, on "Preserving Gaming History," 4 March 2024,

Panelist, Black Excellence, Black Invention, in the After Dark event series at the Exploratorium, in partnership with the San Francisco Public Library, 16 February 2023

Workshop panel chair, Focus 1: Collecting Criteria and Concepts of the Games: Collecting, archiving, accessibility online workshop, Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, 24 June 2022.

Panel chair, Documentary Filmmakers and Community History, History in Community Conference, Stanford University, 12 May 2022.

Panelist, African American Histories in Silicon Valley, African American Center, San Francisco Public Library, 8 March 2022.

"Game Preservation in the Age of COVID," Replaying Japan conference, Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, 4 March 2022.

"Games Don't Tell You Enough about Games," for "Collecting More than The Game" session, Born Digital Cultural Heritage 2022, 15 Feb. 2022, Melbourne.

Panelist, New and Noteworthy from U.S. Collections, SIGCIS 2021: Online Edition, 23 Sept. 2021.  (SIGCIS = Special Interest Group, Computer and Information Studies, Society for the History of Technology)

Testimony, Library of Congress Copyright Office, Section 1201 (DMCA) Exemptions To Permit Circumvention of Access Controls on Copyrighted Works, April 2021 (previously gave testimony in June 2018 and 2003).

"Making Space for Game Heritage,"  Suomen pelimuseo (Finnish Game Museum), Tampere (virtual), Finland, 25 Jan. 2021

Panelist, "Jeux vidéo de Sport," Festival de l’Électronique et du Jeu vidéo d’Abidjan IV (FEJA IV), Abidjan (virtual), 2 Dec. 2020.

"Stanford and the Github Archives,” Github Universe conference, 14 Nov. 2019, San Francisco.

"Game History: In the White Cube or the Black Box?"  New Perspectives on Invention and Innovation: Video Games and Interactivity workshop, Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, Smithsonian National Museum of American History, Washington DC, 29 Nov. 2018.  Also co-organized workshop with Raiford Guins and Drew Robarge.

“Opinion Leaders: Historical Moments in Writing and Reading about Game Design & Technology,” Univ. Montréal, 15 Nov. 2018.

"Tracking Scholarship Forward." Panel on Tracking and Promoting Faculty's Scholarly Impact, Stanford Librarians Unconference, Stanford University, 23 August 2018.

"Russell Varian – From Halcyon Through Stanford To The Origins Of Silicon Valley." Sempervirens Fund Lecture Series, Saratoga, Calif., 28 Feb. 2018.  This Sempervirens Fund podcast includes audio clips excerpted from this lecture.

​"Replay: Games, Performance, Preservation." Residual Media Depot, Media History Research Centre, Concordia University, 10 November 2017.

"Kulturgut Computerspiel in globaler Perspektive,"  Keynote, "Kulturgut Computerspiel ..." - Internationale Tagung des Computerspielemuseums, Berlin, Sept. 2017.

"Replay: Games, Performance, Preservation." Update or Die: Future Proofing Emerging Digital Documentary Forms  conference, MIT Open Documentary Lab and Centre Phi, Montréal, 5 May 2017.

Respondent, "Technologies of Losslessness: Media History in Perpetuity" panel, 31 March 2016; panelist, Game Studies Book Publishing workshop, Video Game Studies Special Interest Group, 2 April 2016. Society of Cinema and Media Studies annual meeting, Atlanta,

"Videogame History as History of Technology," Society for the History of Technology annual conference, Albuquerque, 10 Oct. 2015.

"Inventing Game Design," 2015 Annual Design History Conference,  San Francisco, 12 Sept. 2015.

Moderator, "A Conversation about our Digital Future with Jaron Lanier and Sebastian Thrun," Stanford University, 2 April 2015.

"Tabletop War Games and the “Invention” of Game Design," Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual meeting, Montréal, 28 March 2015.

Panelist, "Saving It, Showing It: Collecting and Exhibiting Videogame History," Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, 5 March 2015.

"It Is What It Is, Not What It Was: Software and Digital Heritage," Stanford Interactive Media and Games lecture series, 16 January 2015. Video available here.

“It Is What It Is, Not What It Was: Making Born Digital Heritage” (Keynote speech), Born Digital and Cultural Heritage Conference, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne, 19 June 2014. Audio available here, along with photographs and the closing keynote panel (I was a panelist).

Panel chair, "Debugging Game History: Forgotten Histories," Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual meeting, Seattle, 22 March 2014.

Panelist, "Understanding Media at 50," Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual meeting, Seattle, 21 March 2014. Session on Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media.

"DOOM at 20," IndieCade, Culver City, Calif., 4 Oct. 2013. (Talk plus open discussion with John Romero); UC Santa Cruz, 8 December 2013.

"Selection Criteria for Collecting Institutions," Pressing Restart: Community Discussions on Video Game Preservation, NYU Cinema Studies Department and NYU Game Center, 28 Sept. 2013.

Panelist, A Performance Archive’s New Life in the Present: Lynn Hershman Leeson’s Life Squared, Perfomance Studies International, 19th conference, Stanford, 29 June 2013

"Game Engines and Game History," First International Conference on the History of Games, Montréal, 23 June 2013

"World Wide Web Overload: Archiving a Messy Web" (panelist), Society of California Archivists 2013 Annual Meeting, Berkeley, 12 April 2013. 

"Game Engine," Debugging Game History Panel, Society for Cinema and Media Studies annual meeting, Chicago, 8 March 2013. (Organized panel.)

"Looking Back on the Preserving Virtual Worlds Projects–and (Nearly) 15 Years of Game Preservation," San José State University School of Library and Information Science Colloquium Series, 25 Feb. 2013.

"An Open Game: DOOM , Game Engines, and the New Game Industry of the 1990s," Interdisciplinary Humanities Center, UC Santa Barbara, 12 Feb. 2013

Panelist, Panel on Degenerate Art: "Controlling Culture," Cantor Arts Center, Stanford University, 31 Jan. 2013

"Looking Back on (Nearly) 15 Years of Game Preservation," International Conference on Game Preservation, Kyoto, Japan, 18 Jan. 2013

GameCity 7. (Panelist and invited speaker). GameCity, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, England, 20 Oct. 2012.

"From Michelangelo to Mario Kart." (Panelist). Swissnex SF, San Francisco, 20 Sept. 2012.

"Archives and Documentation of Military Simulation ... at Stanford University." Connections 2012, Washington D.C., 25 July 2012.

"Game Preservation: You Have Met Your DOOM," UC Santa Cruz, 4 June 2012

"Silicon Valley + Virtual Reality = The New Hollywood?" Research Meets Practice Seminar, Copenhagan Business School, 11 May 2012.

"Machinima: A Documentary Medium?" Invited Lecture, University of Nevada, Reno, Department of Art, 4 April 2012.

Workshop panelist, "Save to Continue: The State of Videogame Archiving and Preservation," Annual Meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston, 21 March 2012.

"Machinima: A Documentary Medium?" Annual Meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies, Boston, 21 March 2012.

"Keynote Speech," Machinima Expo 2011, Second Life, 19 Nov. 2011.

"Early Academic (Computer) Games: A Few Observations," Games and Biology - Creator's Conference, Stanford University, 24 June 2011.

"CloudPad: A Cloud-based Documentation and Archiving Tool for Mixed Reality Artworks," (with Gabriella Giannachi [presenter], Duncan Rowland, Steven Benford, and Dominic Price), Digital Humanities 2011, Stanford, Calif., 21 June 2011.

"Life Squared: Archiving the Virtual Archive" for panel on "Virtual Worlds in Archival Settings." Annual General Meeting of the Society of California Archivists, San José, Calif., 29 April 2011.

"Ten Games You Need to Play: The Digital Game Canon." PAX-East, 2011, Boston, Mass., 13 March 2011. (panelist)

"Video Capture: Machinima, Documentation, and the History of Virtual Worlds," Re-Imagining the Archive: Remapping and Remixing Traditional Models in the Digital Era, conference organized by the UCLA Film & Television Archive and UCLA Moving Image Archive Studies Program, 13 Nov. 2010.

"Video Capture: Machinima, Documentation, and the History of Virtual Worlds," Disciplines Converge: Representing Videogames for Preservation and Cultural Access, Symposium, University of Texas at Austin, School of Information, 8 Oct. 2010.

"Joga Bonito: Beautiful Play, Sports, and Digitial Games," F.R.O.G. 2010, Future and Reality of Gaming, Vienna, Austria, 25 Sept. 2010.

"Before It's Too Late: The Preservation of Digital Games," panelist and organizer), Foundations of Digital Games 2010, 21 June 2010, Monterey, Calif.

“E-Sports and Cyberathleticism Workshop: European Edition”, (panel moderator), IT University of Copenhagen, 28 May 2010.

"Acting Together on Technological Playing Fields: Computer Games, E-sports, and Team Play, (invited faculty), Ph.D. course, Center for Computer Games Research, IT University of Copenhagen, 26-28 May 2010.

"Memento Mundi: Are Virtual Worlds History?" Society for Cinema and Media Studies, 2010 annual meeting, 21 March 2010, Los Angeles, Calif.

"Players are Artists, too," invited public lecture, UC Santa Cruz, 18 Feb. 2010.

"Players are Artists, too," Art History of Games, Atlanta, 5 Feb. 2010.

"The Ultimate Archive: Metadata, Software Archives and Virtual Objects." History of Science Society, annual meeting, Phoenix, 21 Nov. 2009.

"Memento Mundi: Are Virtual Worlds History?" Plenary Lecture, iPres 2009 Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Calif., 5 Oct. 2009.

"The Ultimate Archive," Sustainable Archives: Joint Annual Meeting of the Society of American Archivists and the Council of State Archvists, Austin, Texas, 13 August 2009.

"Preserving Virtual Worlds: Models & Community" (Panelist, via video contribution), Digital Humanities 09, Univ. Maryland, 23 June 2009.

"The Ultimate Archive," MetaverseU conference, Stanford University, 29 May 2009

"Demiurges of the Digital: The Creation and Curation of Virtual Worlds," Berkeley Center for New Media, UC Berkeley, 30 April 2009.

"Play - Machinima - Law." (Co-organizer and panel moderator). Conference organized by the Center for Internet & Society, Stanford Law School, and the How They Got Game Project, Stanford Univ., 24-25 April 2009. Report by National Public Radio:

"From the Creation to the Curation of Virtual Worlds," SHL/INVENTIO Seminar, Digital Design and/in the Arts & Humanities, Stanford Univ., 20 April 2009

"Memento Mori: The Death (or Deletion) of Avatars," presentation for plenary panel, Avatars: Personae, Heteronyms, Pseudonyms,
3rd Annual Graduate Student Conference, Department of Comparative Literature, Stanford University, 11 April 2009.

Interviewed by Robert Ashley for the A Life Well Wasted podcast, episode two, "Gotta Catch 'Em All" (released 3 March 2009). For the entire interview, "B-side: The Henry Lowood Interview."

"Demiurges of the Digital: The Creation and Curation of Virtual Worlds," Digital Media Workshop, School of Information, Univ. of Texas, Austin, 14 Feb. 2009.

"Changing Silicon Valley: From Frederick Terman to the New Hollywood," Residents' Lecture Series, Classic Residence by Hyatt, 21 Oct. 2008.

"Preserving Knowledge in Virtual Worlds," (Two-day workshop, organized with Cindy Pickering), The Summer Institute at Wallenberg Hall, Media-X, Stanford University, 7-8 Aug. 2008.

"Silicon Valley as the New Hollywood: Ampex in the Valley's History and Archives," Annual Conference of the Association for Recorded Sound Collections, Palo Alto, 29 March 2008.

Chaired “Game Preservation Roundtable” at Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, 20 and 21 Feb. 2008.

Conversation (with Brewster Kahle), Metaverse U conference, Stanford, 18 Feb. 2008.

"How Do Virtual Worlds Disappear?," panel discussion in Project Absentia series, Stanford, 14 Feb. 2008.

"Code vs. Object, Replay vs. Capture, Demo vs. Video: Modes and Cultures of Production in Machinima," Society for Literature, Science and the Arts annual conference, Portland, Maine, 2 Nov. 2007.

"Stanford and the Silicon Valley, v. 2007: Silicon Valley as the New Hollywood," Frontiers of New Media conference, University of Utah, 28 Sept. 2007.

Panelist, "The Past, Present and Future of Gaming," Xfire Debate Club panel, 14 Sept. 2007. Transcript available here.

"Community Players: Learning to Use Digital Games for Public Performance," Wallenberg Summer Institute, Stanford University, 9 August 2007.

"Archive 3.0: A Round Table Conversation," (co-organizer, with Michael Shanks and Matthew Tiews), Stanford Humanities Center, in association with Stanford Humanities Lab and Metamedia lab, 3 May 2007.

"The Debate Over Video Game Censorship," (moderator), Xfire Debate Club panel, 26 April 2007. Transcript available here.

"Archives 3.0: Visions of an Animated Archive," Visualizing Knowledge Workshop, Stanford Humanities Center, 24 April 2007. Audio and slides available here.

"The Foundations and Futures of Digital Humanities," (panelist), 1st International HASTAC (Humanities, Arts, Science and Technology Advanced Collaboratory) Conference, Duke University, 19 April 2007.

"Interview mit Dr. Henry Lowood," Game Face (5 Feb. 2007). On-line version here.

"Video Game Programs Look for New Ways to Use Games," NPR Morning Edition, 14 Nov. 2006. Includes excerpts from interview by Laura Sydell.

"The Future of Digital Education," (panelist), MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning panel, held in Second Life, 13 Nov. 2006.

"From Counterculture to Cyberculture: The Legacy of the Whole Earth Catalog," Stanford University, 9 Nov. 2006. Co-organizer (with Fred Terman and ShinJoung Yeo) and introduction.

"Machinima: A New Future of Cinema?" (panelist), Xfire/Stanford Humanities Lab Machinima Showcase, Stanford University, 26 Oct. 2006.

"How Stanford Spawned Silicon Valley/Silicon Valley as the New Hollywood : What Part Has Stanford Played?," Stanford Historical Society, 4 Oct. 2006.

"The Attic & the Parlor: A Workshop on Software Collection, Preservation & Access" (conference moderator), Computer History Museum , Mountain View, 5 May 2006.

"Game Studies, Culture, Communities" [video interview in English, with Italian subtitles], Games@IULM conference, Humanities Lab, Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione di Milano, 3 May 2006.

Meeting of the "Gaming Cultures" Virtual Residence Group, University of California Humanities Research Institute, 14-15 April 2006, University of California, Irvine.

"Preserving Creative America," Library of Congress, Office of Strategic Initiatives, National Digital Information Infrastructure Preservation Program, 7 April 2006. Invited participant.

"Preservation Safeguards for Games of Today" (moderator), Game Developers Conference 2006, San José, California, 23 & 24 March 2006.

"Community Players: Gameplay as Public Performance," Symbolic Systems Forum, Stanford University, 9 March 2006

"Replay Culture: Performance and Spectatorship in Gameplay," New Media, Technology and Humanities conference, Humanitech, University of California at Irvine, 18 Feb. 2006.

"Community Players: Gameplay as Public Performance and Cultural Artifact," University of Arizona, 18 Jan. 2006. Invited lecture for opening of "Documenting Digital Play: Computer Games and Their Communities," University of Arizona, Department of Special Collections exhibit.

"Life with the Sims: Games, Libraries, and Research." University of Arizona Libraries, 18 Jan. 2006.

"An Evening with Paul Baran, in conversation with Henry Lowood," Computer History Museum, Mountain View, Calif., 7 Dec. 2005.

"Machinima: Filmmaking, Video Games, and Real-Time Animation," Stanford University, 5. Dec. 2005. Panelist. Held in conjunction with "Tra5h Ta1k with Ill Will," a performance by the Ill Clan at Stanford, 4 Dec. 2005.

"Augmented Architecture: Design, Practice & Education," Southern California Institute of Architecture, Los Angeles, 30 Nov. 2005. Speaker and panelist.

"Story-Line, Dance/Music or PVP?  Game Movies and Performance in World of Warcraft." Aesthetics of Play conference, Bergen, Norway, 14-15 October 2005. (Accepted.)

" Perform or Else: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Extroverted Game Play." (With Jane McGonigal and Katherine Isbister) International Digital Games Research Association (DIGRA) Conference, Vancouver, B.C., 18 June 2005.

"Death in the City: Computer Games and the Urban Battlefield." Urban Trauma and the Metropolitan Imagination conference, Stanford University, 6 May 2005

"In Conversation." Interview by Robyn Williams, Radio National, Australian Broadcasting Company, 7 April 2005. Summary:

"Gutenberg to Galaxy: Accessing Cultural Assets Online." Speaker/Panelist. Odysseys in Technology speaker series, Computer History Museum, 23 Feb. 2005.

“Using Games: The War College Perspective,” moderator and panelist, Serious Games Summit D.C., Washington, D.C., 19 Oct. 2004

Member, Scientific Program Commitee, 3d International Conference on Entertainment Computing, 1-3 Sept. 2004, Eindhoven, The Netherlands. 

"Playing History with Games: Steps towards Historical Archives of Computer Gaming," Electronic Media Group, American Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works, AIC Annual Meeting 2004, Portland, Oregon, 14 June 2004. With abstract and lecture slides.

"Playing History with Games," and panelist, session on "Offene Archive (Open Archives), Games," Wizards of OS 3: The Future of the Digital Commons, Berlin, Germany, 11 June 2004. Audio capture available here:

"Online Video Gaming: The Future of Entertainment," moderator and panelist, Stanford Business School, 17 Feb. 2004.

"Historytelling: Realism and Playability in Historical Simulations," Story Engines: A Public Program on Storytelling and Story Engines: A Public Program on Storytelling and Computer Games, Iris & B. Gerald Cantor Center for Visual Arts, 6 Feb. 2004 (Organized conference).

"Bang the Machine," panelist and moderator, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 5 Feb. 2004.

"Playing Art with Games: Computer Games in the Museum," CIMAM Conference, UC Berkeley Art Museum and Pacific Film Archive, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Session at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 13 Nov. 2003.

“Game Scenes,” public “Artist Talk” with artist Amy Franceschini, Headland Center for the Arts, 9 Oct. 2003.

“Videogames vs. the Entertainment Industry: Competing for Consumers’ Time and Money,” panelist, Future of Content Conference, 4th edition, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 5 April 2003. Video file available:

"An Evening of Machinima," organizer and speaker, The Seventh Art: New Dimensions in Cinema series, SF-MOMA and San Francisco Film Society, 13 March 2003.

“Preserving the Past,” presentation and panelist, Game Developers Conference, San Jose, 7 March 2003.

"The Economics of Online Video Gaming," panelist and moderator, Stanford Graduate School of Business, 7 Feb. 2003.

"Violence - Videos - Values: The Influence of Video Games on Social Behavior," panelist, Goethe Institute San Francisco, 9 Oct. 2002.

"Shall We Play a Game: Thoughts on the Computer Game Archive of the Future," BITS OF CULTURE: New Projects Linking the Preservation and Study of Interactive Media, Stanford University, 7 Oct. 2002.

"Global Game Trends 101: Learning from the World's Top Titles," moderator, Workshop of the Electronic Entertainment Exposition 2002, Los Angeles, California, 21 May 2002.

"New Collections in Old Archives," Ensuring the Future of the Past, Charles Babbage Foundation, San Jose, 11 May 2002.

"The Hard Work of Software History," Plenary Session Speech, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Pre-Conference, "The Twentieth Century," San Francisco, 13 June 2001.

Panelist, "Computer and Console Games-A Cultural Legacy," Conference of the Electronic Entertainment Exposition, Los Angeles, California, 17 May 2001.

"Archival Resources at Stanford," (with Tim Lenoir), 7th International Summer School in History of Science-New Knowledge and Hi-Tech in the Twentieth Century, UC Berkeley, 14 June 2000.

"Applying History of Science Outside the Classroom," Panel Discussion, West Coast History of Science Society & UC/Stanford Workshop in the History of Science, UC Berkeley, 5 May 2000.

"Knowledge Management and Corporate History," Special Libraries Association, San Andreas Chapter, 15 March 2000.

"Archives and Online Sources in the History of Computing," Conference on the History of Computing (IEEE History Center), Williamsburg, 13-15 June 1997.

"The RLIN History of Science and Technology File," Workshop on Bibliographic Tools in the History of Science, Commission on Bibliography and Documentation, Division of History of Science, International Union of the History and Philosophy of Science, Liège, 25 Sept. 1995.

"The National Software Archives," Software Publishers' Association, San Francisco, 13 & 14 March 1994.

"Jewels and Junk: Assessing Your Science Collections," Science & Engineering Librarians, a CARL Interest Group, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, 8 January 1993.

"The Stanford and the Silicon Valley Project," Preserving the History of the Military Contracting Industry: A Conference Co-sponsored by The Legacy Program, Department of Defense, National Archives and Records Administration, and the National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution, The RAND Corporation, Los Angeles, 19 November 1992.

"The Current Bibliography in the History of Technology: Past, Present, and Future," Workshop on Bibliographic Control of Sources for the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine: New Directions and Opportunities, Trento, 23 September 1992.

"Patriotism, Science, and Improvement: Beekeeping and the Study of Bees in the German Enlightenment," History of Science Society, Madison, October 1991.
"Wer hat das naturwissenschaftliche Buch der frühen Neuzeit gemacht?" Universität Konstanz, July 1991.

"The New World and Natural History," Conference on the Discovery of America in European Consciousness, John Carter Brown Library, June 1991.

"The New Book of Nature: Communities and Controversies,” History of Science Society, Annual Meeting, Seattle, October 1990.

"Literary Technology and Typographic Culture," The University of Oklahoma Centennial Conference, Norman, September 1990.

"The New Book of Nature," West Coast History of Science Society, Annual Meeting, Morro Bay, March 1990.

"International Perspectives on the Role of Government in the Development of High Technology Industry: Commentary." Society for the History of Technology, Annual Meeting, Sacramento, Oct. 1989.

"Response: The Future of Science Libraries," First Annual Symposium on Information Issues: The Future of the Print Culture, The University of Oklahoma, Norman, April 1989.

"Steeples of Excellence and Valley of Silicon: the Industrial Park and the University-Industry Connection at Stanford," Joint Session on Science and Regional Development of the Society for the History of Technology and the History of Science Society, Raleigh, 30 October 1987.

"The Computer Industry and the Academy: The History of Computing in the Stanford and the Silicon Valley Project,” Society of American Archivists, New York, 5 September 1987.

"Silicon Valley and the New Technology," Society of California Archivists, Pacific Grove, 12 June 1987. 

"The Calculating Forester: Mathematics and Forestry in the Classical Age of German Forestry, History of Science Society, Philadelphia, 25 October 1986.
"Steps Toward Documenting the History of the Silicon Valley," Society of American Archivists, Chicago, August 1986.

"How Does Your Forest Grow? Forestry, Cameralism and Mathematics in the German Enlightenment,” 17th International Congress of History of Science, Berkeley, 3 August 1985.

"Historians, High Technology and the Silicon Valley: What Are the Sources?” West Coast History of Science Society, Fall Meeting, Stanford, 27 October 1984.

"Cameralism: L'esprit academique and the State Sciences," U.C. Berkeley, Oct. 1983 (for the Univ. Uppsala-UC Berkeley collaboration meeting) 

"Patriotism, Profit and the Promotion of Science and Technology in the German Enlightenment,” Eighth International Congress on the Enlightenment, Brussels, July 1983.

"The Promotion of Science and Technology in the German Enlightenment: The Patriotic, Economic and Scientific Societies,” West Coast History of Science Society, Annual Meeting, Stanford, April 1981.

"Die Förderung der Naturwissenschaften und der Technik in der deutschen Aufklärung,” Herzog-August- Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany, August 1980.

Exhibits and exhibit contributions:

Curator, Machinima Archive (since 2003); Archiving Virtual Worlds (since 2008) 

Co-curator, "Art Meets Technology: Core Samples from Nine Archives," Stanford University Libraries, Department of Special Collections, September 2013- January 2014.

"Game Capture: Archives of Multiplayer Game Worlds." Video loop for Game On exhibition, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, 6 March-13 July 2008.

"Life Squared," (with the Life Squared team, including Lynn Hershman Leeson and Michael Shanks), as part of "e-art: New Technologies and Contemporary Art: Ten Years of Accomplishments by the Daniel Langlois Foundation," Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for the Daniel Langlois Foundation, 20 Sept. - 9 Dec. 2007.

"Gameworld," Centro de Arte y Creacion Industrial, Spain, March-June 2007. (Consulting role + "Ten Games You Need to Play: The Digital Game Canon.")

"Bang the Machine: Computer Gaming Art and Artifacts," Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (guest co-curator with Rene DeGuzman), Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, San Francisco, 17 Jan.-4. Apr. 2004.

"Fictional Worlds, Virtual Experiences: Storytelling and Computer Games," Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University, 12 Nov. 2003-28 March 2004. Traveled to Worcester Polytechnic Institute, as "Save the Princess: The History of Storytelling in Video Games," 28 Oct.-15 Dec. 2005. 

"Johannes Lebek: The Artist As a Witness of His Time," Stanford University Libraries, March-June 2002. (Consulting role.)

"Hölderlin, Philosopher and Poet," Stanford University, April-June 1993

"Printing and the Book of Nature," (With Robin Rider.) The Bancroft Library, Feb.-May 1991

"From Nature's Simple Laws: Newton and the Principia, 1687-1987," Stanford University, Jan.-March 1987

"Starry Messengers: Comets in Science and Society," Stanford University, Jan.-March 1987

"The Barchas Collection: The Making of Modern Science," Stanford University, Jan.-March 1985

Professional Affiliations:

Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA)
- co-chair, Arts & Humanities Track, 2013 annual conference 
HASTAC Steering Committee, 2006-2007 
- Bibliographer of the Society, 1987-2007
Society for the History of Technology​
Society for Cinema and Media Studies
History of Science Society
Society for Literature, Science and the Arts
Academy of Machinima Arts and Sciences
International Game Developers Association
Society for Industrial Archaeology
West Coast History of Science Society

Professional Service (woefully incomplete)

Editorial board, QuiViRR: Qualitative Video Research Reports, 2020-
Video Advisory Board, Alexander Street Press (Proquest), 2017-
Advisory Committee, Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation, National Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution, 2013- 
Board of Directors, Museum of Art and Digital Entertainment, 2011-2016
Panelist, JISC/NEH Transatlantic Digitization Collaboration Grants program, 2009
Advisory Committee, Silicon Valley Information Center, San Jose Public Library, 1986-1993

Fields of Research Activity (*=currently intensive):
* History of computer and tabletop games and simulations
* Creation and curation of digital archives
* Computer games as a performance medium
* History of military simulation
Science and engineering at Stanford University & in the Silicon Valley 
Printing and publishing of science, esp. historical aspects
Technology and culture in Germany, ca. 1750 to the present
The Kameralwissenschaften and history of forestry in Germany
Bibliography and archives in the history of science & technology